

Nests and the warm home

Back in 2019, Arjun and Jessica Sud’s family experienced having their Nest camera system, watching over their household, baby, thermometers, and dogs hacked. The temperature inside went up by more than 10 degrees. The voice of a stranger used their Nest system to talk to the baby and for a false warning, claiming to be from Civil Defense. It said three ballistic missiles were aimed at Los Angeles, Chicago, and Ohio, and that President Donald Trump had been taken to a secure facility. The California-based family quickly called both Nest and 911 to check that the danger was not real while their child hid under the living room carpet in the horror of a missile hitting the place.
“I felt like I (was) trapped in an episode of ‘Black Mirror,’ ” Arjun Sud said, referring to a television series that explores the darker aspects of technology. “All these devices you’ve put in there to safeguard yourself, to protect your home, your family, (are) now being used maliciously to turn against you.’’ [15]

[15] https://eu.detroitnews.com/story/business/2019/02/12/smart-home-devices-like-nest-thermostat-hacked/39049903/

Hniezda a teplo domova

V roku 2019 rodina Arjuna a Jessicy Sudovcov zažila hacknutie do kamerového systému Nest, ktorý im dohliadal na domácnosť, dieťa, teplomery a psy. Teplota vo vnútri vystúpila o viac ako 10 stupňov. Hlas neznámej osoby použil ich systém Nest na rozhovor s dieťaťom a na falošné varovanie, pričom tvrdil, že je príslušníkom Civilnej obrany. Uviedla, že na Los Angeles, Chicago a Ohio boli namierené tri balistické rakety a že prezidenta Donalda Trumpa previezli do zabezpečeného zariadenia.

Kalifornská rodina tak rýchlo zavolala spoločnosti Nest aj na linku 911, aby skontrolovali, či nejde o podvod, zatiaľ čo sa ich dieťa schovávalo pod kobercom v obývačke v hrôze, že ich zasiahne raketa.

„Cítil som sa ako v epizóde seriálu Black Mirror,” povedal Arjun Sud. Tento televízny seriál totiž skúma temné aspekty technológie. „Všetky tie zariadenia, ktoré ste si do domácnosti umiestnili, aby ste sa chránili, aby ste ochránili svoj domov a rodinu, sa teraz zákerným spôsobom obracajú proti vám.‘‘ [15]